
Welcome to Lusatia – where investment pays off
Industry-friendly and innovative, home to medium-sized companies and international corporations – Lusatia is the strong region of growth and opportunity in the border triangle of Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. More than one million people live here in 236 towns and municipalities over an area covering almost 12,000 km² – four times as large as Saarland. Located between metropolises of Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig and Wrocław in Poland, this area has been an industrial heartland for 300 years – with proven expertise and supply chains in energy technology, rail systems technology, metal, chemicals and paper. Lusatia, a region where investments pay off, where people live well and where excellent professional prospects are offered.
Europas Modellregion für saubere Technologien
Die Europäische Union hat sich dem Net Zero Industry Act zu aktiver Industriepolitik bekannt. Damit werden bessere Bedingungen für die Neuaufstellung grüner Produktion geschaffen:
- Ein Ziel der im Juni 2024 in Kraft getretenen Verordnung ist, bis 2030 in der EU min. 40 Prozent der Binnennachfrage nach strategischen grünen Technologien aus eigener Produktion zu decken.
- Dabei geht es um 19 Schlüsseltechnologien – u.a. Produktion für Erneuerbare, Wasserstoff, Kernenergie, Speicher- & Netztechnologien, alternative Antriebe, CO2-Speicherung und Dekarbonisierung der Industrie.
- Industrien und komplette Lieferketten werden dabei durch Beschleunigung von Genehmigungs- und Planungsprozessen, besseren Zugang zu Finanzierung und die Qualifizierung von Arbeitskräften gefördert.
Die Lausitz kann so zum ersten Hotspot dieses industriellen Aufbruchs werden. Mit 37 Mrd. Euro öffentlicher und privater Investitionen ist sie bereits Vorbild für Strukturwandel und Energiewende-Pionier. Sie ist auf dem Weg zum ersten Net Zero Valley.
A showcase of the energy transition – technologies of the future
Lusatia has been Germany's energy region for centuries. And right now it is developing into a showcase for the energy transition. All of Germany looks to this region, where the expertise available is incorporated into technologies and innovations of the future. This is where future energy storage technology is developed, batteries for electromobility are produced and Europe’s most efficient coal-fired power plants are operated. Companies with local roots, including LEAG, BASF and Siemens, work hand in hand with Lusatian research institutes and universities to find new solutions for more sustainable energy production and use.
And developing new ways to store energy and use it more efficiently is no less important than generating power from renewable energy sources. In cooperation with BigBattery Lausitz, LEAG is currently developing battery storage on an entirely new scale. Daimler subsidiary Accumotive GmbH & Co. KG has already started producing batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles in Kamenz.
The flagship region for production of hydrogen
Hydrogen technology is one of the most promising technologies to comes out of sector coupling, with applications currently being researched in Lusatia. Lusatia as a flagship region for the production and use of hydrogen – a vision that Brandenburg and Saxony are joining forces to work on. The selection of the region as HyStarter hydrogen region, 2 real-world laboratories of the federal government's energy turnaround, the future innovation campus "Fraunhofer Hydrogen Laboratory Görlitz (HLG)" of Siemens and the Fraunhofer Society as well as the already existing hydrogen competence center of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg underline these ambitions.
With the new establishment of the "DLR Institute for Low CO2 Industrial Processes" in Cottbus and Görlitz, the scientific competence in the field of energy has been expanded by another excellent research partner.
Science and research
Other scientific and research focuses in Lusatia being undertaken at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Wildau Technical University of Applied Sciences, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and the Fraunhofer Institutes include lightweight technologies and bioplastics.
At the federal government’s initiative, other non-university, application-orientated research facilities are currently being set up that will make the region a centre of excellence for energy technology and decarbonisation.
Innovations that drive things forward
DEKRA operates Europe’s largest test centre for autonomous driving in Lusatia. BASF has set up a competence centre for bioplastics at its site in Schwarzheide in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research. The Fraunhofer Plastics Technology Centre Upper Lusatia, which operates in Zittau, is committed to sharing knowledge and technology with the region’s plastics industry in collaboration with its university partners. LaNDER3 is a strategic partnership between the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and primarily regionally operating businesses aimed at researching sustainable, profitable applications for renewable resources. In Cottbus, Deutsche Bahn is working with Brandenburg University of Technology to research the future of hybrid electric driving in rail transport. Equipped with innovative technology, Alstom's new test centre for trains and light railways in Bautzen is the company’s most technologically advanced location worldwide. The centre of excellence for climate change mitigation in energy-intensive industries is becoming a think tank for science and business, and, in Finsterwalde, the Kjellberg Group is developing new technologies for industrial cutting and welding.
Lusatia Film
Global players use the advantages of the location
Global players like BASF, Daimler, Alstom, Hamburger Rieger and the Theo Müller Group have offices here, as do many innovative SMEs. They benefit from the distinct advantages Lusatia has to offer.
What about you? When do you want to join us and profit from the ongoing growth in Lusatia? When will you take advantage of the excellent conditions here for your investment? Feel free to contact us. We are always happy to advice you.
We support your investment in Lusatia
Saxony and Brandenburg engage in coordinated investor recruitment and structural development in Lusatia. This is provided for in a joint cooperation agreement between the Saxony Economic Development Corporation (WFS), the Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB), the Saxon Agency for Structural Development (SAS) and the Economic Region Lusatia (WRL). The four partners support structural change within the scope of their respective tasks: WFBB and WFS are responsible for investor recruitment and attracting business to Lusatia. WRL and SAS support projects within the framework of the Structural Development Act. This enhanced cooperation enables all partners to exchange important cross-state information and work even more closely together in a coordinated manner.
What does this mean for you? We are your partner for successful investment in Lusatia. In cooperation with the regional economic development agencies, we form a network for your project – and support you in all economic and workforce developments.
Put us to the test – we look forward to hearing from you!