
Verena Heyner
Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH (WFBB)
Team Lead Industry
Tel: +49 331 – 730 61-216
E-Mail: Send e-mail
Dr. Yvonne Schneider
Saxony Trade & Invest Corporation (WFS)
Industry Sector Manager Food Industry
Tel: +49 351 - 2138-231
E-Mail: Send e-mail

Spreewald gherkins, baumkuchen cakes and linseed oil –
Lusatia has good taste

The Spreewald gherkin is known worldwide but it’s not the only delicacy that can be found in Lusatia. The wide product range offers everything your heart or taste buds could desire – from sweets, hearty meats and fish products to fruit and vegetable products and delicious thirst quenchers.

Top regional products

Lusatian chocolate made by Felicitas from Hornow, Spreewald linseed oil from Kunella and Cottbus Baumkuchen made by the Hajek family in Cottbus, whisky produced by Spreewood Distillers in Schlepzig - these are just a few examples of original products which, as culinary ambassadors, make Lusatia famous beyond its borders.

The company with the largest number of employees in the sector, Bäckerei Dreißig , is based in Guben. Spreewald is the region’s vegetable garden. Companies such as the fruit and vegetable processing companies Spreewaldkonserve in Golßen and RABE Spreewälder Konserven in Lübbenau process other regional vegetables as well as the gherkin.

A culinary heavyweight

Lusatia is a culinary heavyweight in Saxony. In addition to traditional specialities such as the gingerbread Pulsnitzer Pfefferkuchen, Lusatia linseed oil and Kamenz sausages, exotic items such as aquaculture shrimp and organically cultivated shiitake mushrooms are also genuine Lusatian products. Various specialities enjoy great popularity beyond national borders, such as the Neukirch rusk, Lusatia fruit preserves, Bautzner mustard, Eibau beers, Lusatia porter, Landskron and Radeberger beers, Liebesperlen sweets and Heinrichsthaler cheese. With the Upper Lusatia organic carp and the Lusatia linseed oil, Lusatia in Saxony can even boast two products with EU protected geographical indications. Large-scale dairy Sachsenmilch Leppersdorf GmbH operates under the highest technological standards and supplies international markets with its fresh dairy products, cheese and functional milk powders for sports and infant nutrition. The rich diversity of regional producers can be experienced at seasonal events such as the Eibau beer parade, the Lusatia fish festival and the Pulsnitzer Pfefferkuchen market.

Clusters and networks

Lusatian companies in the food industry are involved in the Cluster Food Industry of the State of Brandenburg, in the Saxony food industries network and in the culinary marketing initiative „Die Lausitz schmeckt“.