
With the Lusatia Model, the Lusatia Investor Team, together with experienced location developers and business promoters, presents Lusatia as a modern and sustainable economic region with convincing arguments for the settlement or expansion of companies. The model installed in the Dock3 showroom provides information for investment projects and illustrates the transformation process.
A 98" horizontal touch display on a pedestal provides the presenter with an interactive work surface. Based on a digital map of Lusatia, figures, data and facts can be visualized and media can be displayed. Data from zoning and development plans, geoinformation from state agencies, location data from economic development agencies, information from local authorities, and company data from the Markus database (Creditreform) are processed and displayed. One focus is on available industrial and commercial sites as well as business and research centers, especially in the field of green technologies.
Augmented reality effects will be used to make the model even more interesting in the future and to arouse positive emotions for the economic region of Lusatia, selected locations and structural change: For this purpose, tablets will be used, which, by means of "Augmented Reality" (AR), will make contents appear three-dimensionally on the table in the room and elsewhere, detached from the table.
pixelpoint multimedia werbe GmbH (Carinthia, Austria) was commissioned with the implementation.
The model will be developed step by step until September 2025.