
Verena Heyner
Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH (WFBB)
Team Lead Industry
Tel: +49 331 – 730 61-216
E-Mail: Send e-mail
Dr. Uwe Lienig
Saxony Trade & Invest Corporation (WFS)
Industry Sector Manager Mechanical and Plant Engineering
Tel: +49 351 – 2138-136
E-Mail: Send e-mail

Lightweight construction and green chemistry innovations from Lusatia

From green chemistry to biopolymers and innovative composite materials – the chemicals industry is an innovation driver in Lusatia. No other sector is so closely intertwined with other industries and acts as supplier for numerous source products.

Future developments


As a chemical site, Lusatia relies on the region’s universities and research institutes. This includes, for instance, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg with its Institute of Materials Chemistry, which specialises in the research of inorganic materials and polymer materials as well as strategies for recycling systems for materials.

One of the most intensive collaborations is the research network with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research. Together with BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, they are developing marketable and innovative bio-based plastics at the Processing Pilot Plant for Biopolymers Schwarzheide. Solutions for tomorrow start here.

Clusters and networks

The chemical processing companies in Lusatia around BASF are predominantly networked in the Cluster Plastics and Chemistry Brandenburg. The chemical processing companies in Lusatia connected with BASF are primarily networked in the. Additionally, there is a further cluster called the Netzwerk biosaxony, which specialises in the areas of biotechnology and medical technology.